Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sensitivity and ISO Discussion


This photo of a building on Liberty Avenue has an aperture of 5.6 and a speed of 100 ISO.

 This photo of Presque Isle Waterway has an aperture of 8.0 and a speed of 125 ISO.


 This photo of lake ducks has an aperture of 40.0 and a speed of 1600 ISO.


 This photo of Presque Isle turtles has an aperture of 8.0 and a speed of 160 ISO.


 This photo of the Panhandle Quarry has an aperture of 5.6 and a speed of 3200 ISO.

This photo of the fiddler of the Tiger Maple String Band has an aperture of 5.6 and a speed of 3200 ISO.

Please let me know your comments and feedback below or on the discussion board.


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